Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy with friends

Lee An, Wendy, Pam, Annie, Li Yi, Me and Lee Hua
After the Korean Pop Night, Lee An host Press Conf at Riz-Carlton Hotel.
Yes93.3DJ Li Yi invited as special guest for the night! ^ ^
Korean Air invite 4 of fans thanksfully, so all pretty ladies share the dinner together.

Lee An, Alice and me went to Yes93.3FM studio for interview.

Li Yi looks great in her desk! ^ ^

After Korean Pop Night concert, everybody looks so happy!

Hope more fun moment share together! ^ ^

Monday, June 23, 2008



DATE: SAT 28th JUN 2008


TIME: 10.00PM

A Night of Fun & Live Music

B-Boyz & Ballerina

B-Boyz & Ballerina Korean b-boy performance
at Esplanade on 27, 28, 29 June, 2008
Open showcase & Fan meeting session
at Korea Tourism Organization, Korea Plaza,
26 June 12.30pm to 1.30pm
Meet them close! on the street!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Lee An's 2nd album release out 15th of May

Korean singer Lee An
Release his 2nd album in Singapore 15th of May, 2008
He sings both Korean-Chinese in this new album.
His 2nd album launch event will be held at Junction8 on 24th of May, 4pm.
14th of May
Lee An's 5min interview on-air on YES93.3FM, 4-6pm
DJ Li Yi's timebelt

18th of May
Lee An's 20min interview on-air on YES93.3FM, 10-11pm
DJ Li Yi's 'Happening' timebelt

23rd of May
Press Conference at Singapore Flyer, 2pm
Host : Li Yi

24th of May
Lee An's 2nd album 'US' launch evnet at Junction8, 4pm
Host : Li Yi

26th of May
Lee An's TV interview, East Asia Tonight on CNA, 8pm
Anchor : Chloe Cho

Friday, April 25, 2008

B-Boyz & Ballerina

B-Boyz & Ballerina

Singapore Press Holdings Foundation presentsB-BOYZ & BALLERINA (KOREA)Pulsate to the energetic and high-octane performance by B-Boys Theatre, one of Korea’s world renowned leading new wave hip-hop dance theatre. Formerly known as ‘The Ballerina who loves a B-boy’ and now renamed, ‘B-Boyz & Ballerina’, the performance shows how a ballerina assimilates to street dancing after she falls in love with a b-boy.Feel the exuberance of the energetic 19 b-boys and b-girls and cheer them on in their frenzied, skilful freestyling displays of hip-hopping and break-dancing. Join in this hyper rousing dance fiesta where you will be spell-bound by the Technicolour street fashions, joyous soundtrack and the gravity-defying floor routines of windmills, L-kicks and more. A sell-out show in Korea and at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in Scotland, it will tour America, Japan, China and Spain after Singapore. Be part of this international sensation which promises a truly entertaining experience not only for the youth but also for the whole family!

27-29 Jun 2008 Fri, 8:00PMSat, 3:00PM & 8:00PMSun, 3:00PM
Approx 80 mins
Esplanade Theatre
3pmS$80, S$65, S$50, S$40, S$30Box Seat - S$80
8pmS$85, S$70, S$55, S$45, S$35Box Seat - S$85

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The blossom season in Korea

시인 임영조 님의 ‘대책 없는 봄’
무엇이나 오래 들면 무겁겠지요.

앞뜰의 목련이 애써 켜든 연등을

간밤에 죄다 땅바닥에 던졌더군요.

고작 사나흘 들고도 지루했던지

파업하듯 일제히 손을 털었더군요.

막상 손 털고 나니 심심했던지

가늘고 긴 팔을 높이 벋어서 저런

하느님의 괴춤을 냅다 잡아챕니다.

파랗게 질려 난처하신 하느님

나는 터지려는 웃음을 꾹 참았지만

마을 온통 웃음소리 낭자합니다.

들불 같은 소문까지 세상에 번져

바야흐로 낯 뜨거운 시절입니다.

누구 짓일까, 거명해서 무엇하지만

맨 처음 발설한 것은 매화년이고

진달래 복숭아꽃 살구꽃이 덩달아

희희낙락 나불댄 게 아니겠어요

싹수 노란 민들레가 망 보는 뒤꼍

자꾸만 수상쩍어 가보니 이런!

겁 없이 멋대로 발랑 까진 10대들

냉이 꽃다지 제비꽃 환하더군요

몰래 숨어 꼬나 문 담뱃불처럼

참 발칙하고 앙증맞은 시절입니다.

나로서는 대책 없는 봄날입니다.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Korean Nite 29th of Mar, 2008

If someone like to enjoy this Korean Nite together, 29th of Mar, 2008, 5pm to 11pm, there will be big Korean theme festival at Jurong Country Club. You can enjoy Korean food from (Ju Shin Jung and Auntie Kim's Korean Restaurant), Korean wine and beer, even can try Korean traditional costume Han Bok and photo taking together.

One more supprise, you can meet Korean pop singer Lee An on that day too! Lee An going to release his second album in singapore soon, this is first public show case he sing his new songs. So, don't miss this chance to meet him close!

There will be couple of more Korean traditional performance together! Come and enjoy this special night!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Korean Tea Ceramics Exhibition

Check out this interesting exhibition at Korea Plaza!
Ms. Oh Ye Ri will demonstrate tea ceremony on 9th, 10th of March again!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

네 멋대로 해라 Ruler of Your Own World (MBC 2002)

네 멋대로 해라 (MBC 2002)
Ruler of Your Own World

Special Video Clip

Story of Ruler of Your Own World

Go Bok Soo(YDG) just came out from the prison. He met Kyung(LNY) at bus station.
He steel her walet, the money for medical operation fee her friend.
She lost the money, the friend died.

After that Bok Soo and Kyung met again, she found out the money taken by him, so hate him... Bok Soo feel so sorry don't know what to do.
So stat just hang around her all the time. And they both start their special relationship from there.

This drama also include best characters around.
Bok Soo's fatehr(Shin Goo) and mother(Yoon Yoe Jung), and his girlfriend(Gong Hyo Jin) who did really good job for the drama.
If you meet them on the drama, you can't avoid from each of the sadness.

양동근 YdG Yang Dong Geun

This is one of special drama which delivered special emotion in 2002.
The main actor, Yang Dong Geun(양동근) has special personality, who sings also.
He is not good looking man, but has namy different fans around. He turns on his charm when the camera rolling. He has the powerto the audience.
Recently he act on a drama [Dr.껭 Ggeng:MBC-2007] and [I am Sam 아이엠샘:KBS2-2007].

Dr.껭 Ggeng:MBC-2007

I am Sam 아이엠샘:KBS2-2007

이나영 Lee Na Young

Main actress, Lee Na Young(이나영) also has something very special atmosphere. She has pretty look, but when she play on the drama, you can catch something tough from inside of her. She act another drama [아일랜드 Islands:2004-MBC] with Hyun Bin(현빈) and Kim Min Jun(김민준). Kim Min Jun played simular character with YDG(Ruler of your own world), but it didn't work out. From this drama, there were another star came out, that famous of [My name is Kim Sam Soon 내 이름은 김삼순]'s Sam Sik, Hyun Bin(현빈). He is the lunky guy who got the spotlight when Kim Min Jun couldn't catch up YDG's charisma.

More picutres of LNY

Lee Na Young in [Islands]

Hyun Bin in [Islands]

Because of both YDG and LNY delivered too deep impression to the audience, after [Ruler of Your Oqn World 네 멋대로 해라], I believe that they had difficulty choose next drama.

Many people still love this drama.
This is one of 'Must watch'! :)

Ruler of Your Own World, First Ep Part 1

Drama Scripts by Korean
마음이 잔인해지지 않구, 어떻게 한 사람만을
좋아합니까? 착한 마음으로는.. 세상 전부를
좋아하게 되잖아요.. 그러니까..
하나만 좋아하려면 착해선 안되요...
잔인하게.. 한 사람 좋아할래요...
나중에 후회해도.. 좋을 사람...

내가 너를 얼마나 좋아하는데...
근데... 좋아하는데....
그 사람이 너무나...
심장에 깊이 박혀서...
그걸 뜯어내면 심장마비로 내가 죽어...
살자고 하는 짓이니까....
니가 용서해...응?
날씬하고.. 이쁜 미래야...
밥 잘먹고.....

너같은 년들은 잡생각이 많아서
믿음이란걸 모르지?
믿는다는게 뭔줄 아냐?
그 사람이 날 속여도 끝까지
속아 넘어가면서도 믿어버리는거..
그게 믿음이다..
근데.. 복수는 안속여...

내가 본 복수씨 손은..
어머니 발을 만지던 손이었어요...
그게.. 나한테는.. 복수씨 손이에요...
그리구.. 조금 놀랐지만.. 그 험한 기억이..
복수씨가 살아왔던 현실이라면...
난.. 그것두 좋아할래요....
내가 보지 않은건.. 생각 안할래요...
난.. 누가 뭐라든... 계속...
복수씨 손 잡고 있을래요...
난, 복수씨 손이 참... 좋아요...

여자와 남자가 살고 있습니다..
여자와 남자는
사랑을 즐기고..
세상을 즐기고..
죽음을 즐깁니다..

여자와 남자는..
사랑을 살고..
세상을 살고..
죽음을 삽니다..
여자와 남자는 지금 행복합니다...

사랑하는 남자와 여자는,
둘 사이에 가로놓인,
죽음의 벽에 주먹질을 합니다..
그러나, 벽은...
남자와 여자의 노력보다 강합니다..
지친 남자와 여자는,
그 벽에 얼굴을 기대고,
가만히 눈을 감고,
벽을 통해 사랑을 이야기합니다...
남자와 여자는,
이제.. 그 죽음의 벽마저.. 사랑합니다..

그 사람의 마음은..
내 마음을 울려요...
1분도 1초도 안쉬고,
내 마음을 울려요,..

..그 사람은... 나한테만 특별한 사람이 아니라..
...이 세상에 있을 수 없는 사람이에요...

첨 봤어요...

..난, 최고의 사람을 만난 거에요..
..최고의 마음을... 지금 만나고 있어요...


I want to say something more about YDG. He is not known for his looks, but very talented and attractive man. If someone can falling in love with this 'Ugly Prince', please take a look follow video clip. :)

YdG's Special Stage 1, 2007

YdG's Special Stage 2, 2007

Monday, January 14, 2008

황진이 黃眞伊 Hwangjiny

Hwangjiny (KBS,Olive9, 2006)
Ha Ji Won, Kim Jae Won

* This is Hwangjiny's dance collection video clip from the drama.

* 황진이 이야기 STORY *

Hwangjiny is an actual historical female artiste from jo Sun dynasty.
She was a great poetess, painter, musician, and dnacer as Gisaeng 기생 (艺妓).

She born in Gaesung (개성-North Korea, HwangHaeBookDo).
Consider of woman's social position and confucian morality at the Jo Sun dynasty, <Gisaeng 기생 (艺妓)>is by way of exception has qulifications for outdoor activities.

The reason I like this drama is, they put lots of effort for it.
They tried to make this as most visual and sensual drama. When you watch it, you can meet most beautiful Hanbok with good music and beautiful scenery of Korean autumn.

* 한복 HANBOK *
For traditional costume, Hanbok, they use 240 different Hanbok for the drama, the cost are about US$1,000,000. 140 Hanbok made for main actress Ha Ji Won, designe by Kim Hye Soon. The price per one Hanbok will be cost SGD 8,000 to 14,000.

For other accesories also spent not a few cost.
가체 Gache (wig) - S$ 25,000
꽃신 Ggot Shin (shoes) - S$2,500
버선 Beoseon (socks) - S$1,000
속옷 Sokot (underwear) - S$ 2,500~S$3,200
노리개 Norigae (an accetory hang on the plastron) - S$4,000~5,000

After finish this drama, they also had a fashoin show

황진이 [黃眞伊, ?~?]

조선시대의 시인 겸 명기(名妓). 시(詩) ·서(書) ·음률(音律)에 뛰어났으며, 출중한 용모로 더욱 유명하였다. ‘동지달 기나긴 밤을 한허리를 둘에 내어’는 그의 가장 대표적 시조이다. 대표작으로 《만월대 회고시》, 《박연폭포시》 등이 있다.

별칭 일명 진랑(眞娘), 기명(妓名) 명월(明月)
활동분야 예술
출생지 개성
주요작품 《만월대 회고시》《박연폭포시》《봉별소양곡시》

일명 진랑(眞娘). 기명(妓名) 명월(明月). 개성(開城) 출생. 중종 때 진사(進士)의 서녀(庶女)로 태어났으나, 사서삼경(四書三經)을 읽고 시(詩) ·서(書) ·음률(音律)에 뛰어났으며, 출중한 용모로 더욱 유명하였다. 15세 무렵에 동네 총각이 자기를 연모하다가 상사병(相思病)으로 죽자 기계(妓界)에 투신, 문인(文人) ·석유(碩儒)들과 교유하며 탁월한 시재(詩才)와 용모로 그들을 매혹시켰다. 당시 10년 동안 수도(修道)에 정진하여 생불(生佛)이라 불리던 천마산(天馬山) 지족암(知足庵)의 지족선사(知足禪師)를 유혹하여 파계(破戒)시켰고, 당대의 대학자 서경덕(徐敬德)을 유혹하려 하였으나 실패한 뒤, 사제관계(師弟關係)를 맺었다.

당대의 일류 명사들과 정을 나누고 벽계수(碧溪守)와 깊은 애정을 나누며 난숙한 시작(詩作)을 통하여 독특한 애정관(愛情觀)을 표현했다. ‘동지달 기나긴 밤을 한허리를 둘에 내어’는 그의 가장 대표적 시조이다. 서경덕 ·박연폭포(朴淵瀑布)와 함께 송도삼절(松都三絶)로 불렸다. 작품으로 《만월대 회고시(滿月臺懷古詩)》《박연폭포시(朴淵瀑布詩)》《봉별소양곡시(奉別蘇陽谷詩)》《영초월시(咏初月詩)》 등이 있다.